Agenda item

Allocation of Transport for London Funding

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


NB: This report will also be considered by the Planning and Transportation Committee.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning the allocation of funding for 2017/18 from Transport for London (TfL).


RESOLVED – That approval be given to:-


1.      the allocation of the TfL grant 2017/18 to the programmes and projects set out in Table 2 of the report;


2.      the reallocation of £74,000 of TfL grant 2016/17 between the projects shown in paragraph 13 of the report;


3.      the transfer of £49,000 of TfL grant 2016/17 to freight and consolidation centres work;


4.      authority being delegated to the Director of the Built Environment to approve reallocations of up to £50,000 within a financial year (subject to TfL approval) in consultation with the Chamberlain, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Planning & Transportation Committee.


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