Agenda item

Outstanding actions from previous meetings

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out outstanding actions from previous meetings of the Committee.


The Town Clerk explained that the resolution from the Committee to the Policy and Resources Committee in relation to the requested review of the Members’ Financial Loss Allowance Scheme would now be considered by that Committee at its June 2017 meeting. The Chairman explained that consideration of the resolution had been delayed to allow it to be considered alongside a report regarding the diversity of the Court of Common Council, on which the Members’ Financial Loss Allowance Scheme may have some impact. He explained that he expected that proposals, in relation to the Scheme, would be considered at the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee’s Away Day in June 2017, following which any formal proposal would be considered by the Policy and Resources Committee.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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