Agenda item

Presentation on One Less Bottle (TEP)

Kimberly Ferran Holt, Marine Litter Coordinator, Thames Estuary Partnership to be heard.


The Marine Litter Coordinator for the Thames Estuary Partnership, Kimberly Ferran Holt, gave a presentation to the Committee on the work of the Thames Estuary Partnership using the One Less Plastic Bottle campaign as an example of the nature of their work. The Marine Litter Coordinator explained that the aims of the Thames Estuary Partnership were to encourage recycling, reduce litter, and work with partnership organisations to raise awareness of their campaigns.


In response to a Member’s question on whether additional water fountains for refilling water bottles would be rolled out across the City, the Director of Transportation and Public Realm explained that three fountains had been installed within the City and a location was being sought for the installation of a fourth fountain. In response to Members’ queries on whether this was a sufficient number of fountains, the Director of Transportation and Public Realm advised that the ambition has been to install one new fountain each year.


The Chairman explained that both the Thames Estuary Partnership and Thames 21 were seeking new Representatives from the City of London Corporation and invited Members to apply for the two positions which would be appointed by the Court of Common Council at its May meeting. The Chairman also invited Members to participate in a litter pick at Denton Wharf on 12 September.


RESOLVED – That the Committee note the Presentation.