Agenda item

Departmental Business Plan: Chamberlain's Department - 2017/18

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which presented, for approval, the business plan for the Chamberlain’s Department for 2017/18. The business plan set out the key priorities of the Department and described the specific actions that would be undertaken, during the next year, to deliver against these priorities and to improve the value for money of the services that were provided.


A Member commented that the Departmental Business Plan did not include the savings target for City Procurement. The Chamberlain explained that this target was still being developed and would be presented to the Committee’s next meeting for approval. The Chamberlain also explained that information would be provided as to how this target was set.


The report also provided an early draft of the Corporate Plan 2018-23 to give Members an opportunity to provide informal feedback, before wider consultation on the plan took place in the autumn with staff, partners and other external stakeholders.


Members commented that it was vital that the Corporate Plan included measurable objectives and that sufficient staffing resources were devoted to its development. The Town Clerk confirmed that all of the outcomes within the Corporate Plan would be supported by robust performance measures and that adequate resourcing was in place.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:

a)     Approves the high-level and detailed departmental business plans for the Chamberlain’s Department; and

b)     Notes the draft Corporate Plan 2018-23.

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