Agenda item

Update on the Heathrow Animal Reception Centre Contract

The City Surveyor to be heard.


The City Surveyor provided the Committee with an oral update of progress at the Heathrow Animal Reception Centre (HARC).


The City Surveyor explained that following the reporting of an amber risk in relation to the current and future building repairs and maintenance contract at the January meeting of the Committee, works had been taking place to address those issues which included:

·         A maintenance regime for the automatic doors had been introduced and these would be serviced regularly.

·         An out of hours service had been put in place to allow staff to contact the contractor if issues were to arise outside of regular working hours.

·         The boilers would be replaced later in the summer and the fire extinguishers on site had been replaced.

·         A new repairs and maintenance contract has been awarded to Skansa. Staff at the HARC had been involved in talks with the new contractor from the outset. This should lead to a closer working relationship.


The City Surveyor explained that as a result of the measures taken, the risk had been downgraded to green.


RESOLVED – That the Committee note the update.