Agenda item

Annual Workplan

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members received a report of the Town Clerk regarding the Committee’s meetings and activities for the year and the following agenda items were suggested:


·         Neaman Practice – the GP practice to reassure the Committee of arrangements after Dr Vasserman’s departure.


·         Sexual Health Transformation for London – an overview of the London-wide transformation of sexual health services.


·         Royal London dental hospital / Barts Health – officers to look into and see if a report could be presented regarding appointments systems.


·         Post-election health announcements – headline changes to be circulated electronically to the Committee after elections, and details to be presented when available.


·         Employment of individuals with learning difficulties – officers to confirm figures of those employed in the Corporation and the work going on the Corporation to encourage employment and address stigma. The Chairman of the City Bridge Trust Committee confirmed that a £3.5million commitment was being considered at the Committee’s meeting later in the week for a ‘Bridge To Work’ programme including grants to Centre for Mental Health, Inclusion London, Muscular Dystrophy UK, National Autistic Society and Whizz-Kids.


RESOLVED – That the proposed schedule of meetings be agreed.

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