Agenda item

Inner North East London Update

Director of Community & Children’s Services to be heard.


The Director of Community & Children’s Services advised that at their last meeting the INEL JHOSC had considered the sustainability and transformation plan for North East London which sought to bring different parts of the health economy together, streamlining services and reducing costs. The INEL JHOSC had scrutinised the financials, intentions, and the inclusion of adult social care services (which were LA funded but would be impacted by the changes NHS England were proposing), and it was noted the concerns of the INEL JHOSC had not been fully assuaged.


Members requested an update on the changes to cancer services be provided at a future meeting, and agreed that INEL JOHSC minutes be circulated electronically to the Committee after meetings.


RESOLVED – That an update on cancer services be provided at a future meeting, and INEL JHOSC minutes be circulated after each meeting.