Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


RESOLVED – That the list of outstanding references be noted and updated as appropriate.


Parking for Motorcyclists


Members expressed concern regarding the period of time this issue was taking to address and asked that a clear and robust policy, including environmental issues, be brought to the Sub-Committee as soon as possible.


The Director of the Built Environment reported that the issue remained a priority however further staff resources were required to undertake what would be a very challenging programme and these were proving very difficult to recruit.


It was agreed that officers bring proposals for the programme to the Sub-Committee to enable priorities to be set, and to determine exactly what resources would be required to deliver it.


Swan Pier


The Chairman expressed frustration that there was no representative from the City Surveyor’s department at the meeting and asked that Alderman Gowman, who had initially raised the issue, be written to directly and the rest of the Sub-Committee be copied into the response.


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