Agenda item

Road Danger Reduction


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Department of the Built Environment and the Commissioner of the City of London Police in respect of the Road Danger Reduction Programme 2017/18.


The report advised that officers would be conducting a number of fact finding visits over the next few months including a number of visits to TfL and the highest performing Boroughs to see what lessons might be learnt to try and improve road safety.


Members noted that officers were proposing a wide range of measures aimed at reducing casualties further, including


·      Physical Engineering Measures

·      Closer working with City businesses to target messages to City workers

·      A broad range of Education Training and Promotion (ETP) including schools but particularly focused towards City workers

·      Targeted enforcement by the City of London Police (CoLP)


In response to questions the Director of the Built Environment advised that it was expected that all of these measures would contribute to reducing casualties on City Streets, however analysis of casualties over the last year had made it clear that one of the biggest issues to address was ‘inattention’ and it was proposed that 17/18 would see a particular focus on addressing inattention by all road users.


A Member made reference to the ‘Active City Network’ and whether or not commercial vehicle enforcement was part of this, and another Member suggested that it would be helpful to know how the Police would work with DBE staff to ensure consistent compliance data. Members also suggested that more could be done to reduce the number of ‘visitor’ incidents, perhaps by including more obvious signage and reminders to look left and right, as well as warning regarding ‘danger zones’.


RESOLVED – to note the decisions taken by the Planning and Transportation Committee as follows:


1)            The 2017/18 Road Danger Reduction Work Programme be approved;


2)            City Mark be introduced as part of the Considerate Contractors Scheme (CCS);


3)            Road Danger Requirements (as set out at Appendix 5 to the report) be included within corporate contracts (subject to the agreement of the Finance Committee, and


4)            The Communications Strategy be approved.


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