Agenda item

Corporate and Departmental Business Planning - update

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which provided an update on the work being undertaken to revise the Corporate Plan and the Departmental Business Planning process.


The Town Clerk explained that the process had begun with briefings for Service Committee Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen in January and April 2017. The Town Clerk explained that a common version of the Corporate Plan summary had been circulated to all Service Committees. Comments had been received from Members at these Committees, which would be used to develop the next version of the Corporate Plan and to help to refine the Departmental Business Plans for future years. Members were informed that, once all Committees had been sighted on the draft Corporate Plan, the Plan would be revised, following which further comment would be sought from Members and engagement would begin with staff and stakeholders.


The Town Clerk also informed Members of the creation of the Corporate Strategy Network, which had been established to allow strategy and business planning officers from all Departments to discuss approaches to business planning, share best practice and map activities listed in departmental business plans to draft the Corporate Plan outcomes. This Network also provided input to the various Chief Officer Groups which were responsible for developing the themes of the Corporate Plan.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.

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