Agenda item

City Schools Governor Appointments Update

Report of Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members agreed to vary the order of items on the agenda so that Item 19 (City Schools Governors Appointments Update) was considered next.


Members considered an update report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services on City Schools Governor Appointments. The Town Clerk noted that there were some errors in the appendix, and so an updated version was tabled. The following points were made.


·         The Education Strategy Director confirmed that the Education Unit maintained a database of potential governors for City Schools.

·         The Chairman noted that skills should be paramount when assessing the suitability of potential governors.

·         Governor appointments should expire on 31 July.

·         The Chairman noted that the City also utilised SGOSS when considering potential governors and requested that the governor appointment update paper due in July 2017 should provide an updated list of governors, identify skills needed across the City academies, and provide a summary of the resource required to administer the pool of potential governors.

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