Agenda item

Report of the work of the Sub-Committees

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which advised Members of the key discussions which had taken place during recent meetings of the Committee’s Sub-Committees.


In relation to the Efficiency and Performance Sub-Committee, the Chairman advised Members of the requirements of the Efficiency and Sustainability Plan, which would lead to 2% being removed from all Departmental budgets each year from 2018-19 onwards, along with no allocation being included for inflation in budgets. The Chairman also highlighted that if Departments made savings in excess of the 2% budget reduction, there was a mechanism to allow them to use those savings for invest-to-save schemes.


In relation to the IT Sub-Committee, the Chairman of that Sub-Committee explained that the key issue considered in the public part of the meeting on 26 May had been an update on IT performance, including an update on work that had been undertaken to improve the resilience of the IT infrastructure.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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