Agenda item

IT Division - Quarterly Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which provided an update on the work of the IT Division over the last quarter.


The Chairman of the IT Sub-Committee explained that the focus of the IT Department's activities was to reduce the IT risks within the Corporate Risk Register.


A Member commented that the contract with Agilisys had included a target of creating 100 apprentice roles and asked what progress had been made on achieving this. The Chamberlain explained that around 50% of this target had been reached. However, as the target was to create apprentice roles in a range of organisations, not solely within the City Corporation, it was challenging for the City Corporation to track progress.


The Committee agreed that a report on this matter should be submitted to the IT Sub-Committee.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:

a)    notes the report; and

b)    agrees that the IT Sub-Committee should be provided with a report regarding progress in achieving the target of placing 100 apprentices under the Agilisys contract.

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