Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


Resolution of the Barbican Residential Committee regarding the City of London Corporation Website

Members considered a tabled resolution from the Barbican Residential Committee dated 13 February 2017. The resolution noted that Members of the Barbican Residential Committee felt that the search engine on the City of London Corporation website was not fit for purpose. The following points were made.


·         The IT Director noted that he had discussed this issue with the Director of Communications, who was responsible for the team that managed the City of London Corporation’s website and intranet. Consultants had been appointed to advise on improving user experience of the website and would report in June 2017. Following this, a report would be submitted to Members that would outline proposed improvements to the website.


·         Members queried the split in responsibility for website system infrastructure and website maintenance between the IT Director and the Director of Communications, and expressed concern that this illustrated a disjoint in oversight.  In response the Chamberlain agreed to bring a paper to the Sub Committee outlining service responsibilities and business requirements for the City of London Corporation website and intranet.