Agenda item

Increasing Diversity in the Court of Common Council - Update

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk updating it on the work which had been undertaken to enhance the diversity of the Court of Common Council. Amongst other things, this included a review of the timing of Committee meetings undertaken by the Chief Executive of East Sussex County Council on the Committee’s behalf.


Members noted that the review had concluded that significant effort had been made on the activities progressed to enhance diversity. There had been no obvious gaps in the work undertaken to engage with the City Corporation’s voters and encourage prospective candidates to stand for election.


Detailed discussion ensued on the timing of meetings and Members noted the concerns which had been expressed by some of the new Members about the current arrangements. The Committee acknowledged the change in the proportion of new Members in the last few years and it was agreed that all Members should now be consulted on the matter at the next informal meeting of the Court. In the interim, the issue should be referred back to the Town Clerk to establish the possible options to be considered.


Reference was made to the issue of remuneration and the merits of the Members’ Financial Loss Scheme. It was suggested that this should also be examined and discussed by Members at the informal meeting in the autumn. A Member referred to the difficulties that Members would have in making a political decision about remunerating themselves and questioned whether independent advice should be sought.


A number of arguments were advanced for and against remuneration. It was agreed subsequently that the matter should be referred to the informal meeting of the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee for more detailed consideration and to recommend a way forward.


Attention was drawn to the possible barriers which might deter people from standing for election to Common Council. Members supported the suggestion that those who had initially expressed an interest in standing for election but subsequently decided not to should be approached to ascertain the reason for their decision.


The Committee concluded by noting that currently Members were not asked to provide information on their own diversity such as their age and ethnicity. It was suggested that a similar questionnaire to that sent to staff should also be sent to Members for completion. Members supported the suggestion.


RESOLVED – That the content of the report be noted and that:-


1.    the Town Clerk be requested to give further consideration to the timing of meetings and to develop options for consideration at the next informal meeting of the Court of Common Council in November; 


2.    the Member’s Financial Loss Scheme and the issue of remuneration be referred to the forthcoming informal meeting of the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee for more detailed consideration and to recommend a way forward;


3.    officers be requested to write to those who had initially expressed an interest in standing for election but who subsequently decided not to, to ascertain the reason for their decision; and


4.    in order to ascertain the demographics of the Court, a questionnaire be sent to Members, similar to that sent to staff, for completion.


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