Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of previous meeting.


Prior to discussion of the minutes, the Chairman noted the following.


·         To assist in ensuring meetings are quorate, Governors to give consideration to the rotation (between the Guildhall and the school) of meeting venues and the use of audio visual conferencing facilities between the Guildhall and the school.

·         The duration between each meeting is an issue, in that matters for consideration are presented for follow-up, often several months after initial documentation is presented to Governors.

The Town Clerk to investigate audio-visual conferencing and update the Chairman.


RESOLVED that:  subject to the following amendment, the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 February 2017, be agreed as an accurate record.

Minute 1.  Apologies:  Apologies were received but not recorded from
Councillor Chris Townsend.


There were no Matters arising.













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