Agenda item

Appointment of Sub Committees

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members were asked to consider, for the ensuing year, the appointment, composition and Terms of Reference of the following committees:  Bursary committee, Finance, General Purposes & Estates sub-committee and Academic & Education sub-committee.


·         The Chairman said the Board had previously decided that a Governor appointed to one committee, should reside on all committees.

·         There is an on-going issue with apologies given for sub-committee meetings, resulting in meetings that are not quorate. 

·         Resolved that all Governors are eligible to sit on respective sub-committees.

Town Clerk to amend the Terms of Reference for each sub-committee to reflect this.

Town Clerk to amend the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Bursary Committee to include (as within the TOR for the remaining two sub-committees) the following:

Any decision taken by the sub-committee shall require the agreement of a majority of Common Council Governors present at the meeting and voting.’

·        In response to a Governor question, relating to issues with establishing a quorum and whether or not it would be possible for Ex-Officio Members to sit on sub-committees, the Town Clerk agreed to investigate and respond.

·         Town Clerk to issue meeting dates to all Governors.

·         The Headmaster said, to facilitate attendance, meetings of the Finance, General Purposes and Estates and Academic and Education sub-committees, will convene back to back and the venue will alternate between the Guildhall and Freemen’s.  Any meeting of the Bursary committee will precede the Board of Governors’ meeting.  Thought did need to be given to timings so as not to impact on School life (e.g. Monday assemblies).








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