Agenda item

Departmental Business Plan: Department of the Built Environment


The Committee received the business plan for the Department of the Built Environment for the year 2017/18.


The high-level summary plan for the Department of the Built Environment presented a strategic approach to achieve the vision of ‘Creating and facilitating the leading future world class city’.  This supported the draft Corporate Plan and ensured excellent services continued to be delivered. 


The report presented an early draft of the Corporate Plan 2018-23 to provide Members with an opportunity to provide informal feedback before wider consultation on the draft Corporate Plan which was consulted on in the autumn with staff, partners and other external stakeholders.


A discussion took place on the draft of the Corporate Plan during which Members raised a number of points in relation to the importance of the plan and making the most of the opportunity to provide feedback, ways in which reporting could become more streamlined, assurance that the objectives and levels of ambition were supported by the work in the departments, and the importance of maintaining a focus on the Cultural Hub as well.


Members also suggested that the Plan should include additional information on performance indicators and targets, with timescales and ways to measure success, and information on the main projects and City Corporation customers.



1)            Approve the high-level departmental business plan for the Department of the Built Environment, and


2)            Note the draft Corporate Plan 2018-23 and provide initial feedback on the content.



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