Agenda item

Resolution forward from the Court of Common Council - Ward of Aldgate

To note the following resolution from the Ward of Aldgate:-


“That this Wardmote deplores the state of broadband connections for both residential and existing business customers and requires the Corporation to take urgent action to address this.”



Members were advised that whilst a lot of progress had been made on improving broadband services officers were of the view that it required a dedicate resource to assist in delivering better services. Whilst this Committee had supported the provision of resources to fund a post, the IT Sub-Committee had asked for more details and this was to be considered by the Sub-Committee shortly. It was suggested that a note on the progress made so far be circulated to all Members of the Court. Members supported this.


RESOLVED – That the resolution from the Ward of Aldgate be noted and that the City Surveyor be requested to circulate a note to all Members on the progress being made regarding the provision of better broadband services.