Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent and which the Committee Agree Should be Considered Whilst the Public are Excluded


Provision of Additional Primary School Spaces and Social Housing on the Former Richard Cloudesley School Site, Golden Lane, EC1

Members received the additional report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and City Surveyor.


Members raised, in depth a number of queries and concerns regarding the width and location of the staircase in the proposed building. In response to a question from a member regarding the width staircase, location and whether feedback had been received from Islington Council  as to fire risk assessments, members were informed that the building had been fire assessed and the building was being engineered in a different way to that of Grenfell. Members were advised that sprinklers would be installed and the overall mass and sizing of the building had been assessed. As a result, the number of flats had been reduced to 66 self-contained flats.


Members specifically asked for assurances on fire and risk assessments which had been carried out.


In response to a question from a member regarding the difference between the ‘Abnormals’ figure for  Gateway 4 and Option 3/Gateway 4C and, why the figure had almost doubled in amount, members were informed that the base cost of building works always stay the same. However, any other costs above the baseline cost would always be recorded under ‘Abnormals’ which is why the figure appears to have doubled.
