Agenda item

Order of Seniority

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk proposing amendments to the protocol for the order of seniority on the Court of Common Council.


The Committee noted that the amendment had been approved by the Members’ Privileges Sub-Committee.


RESOLVED – That the protocol for the order of seniority at the Court of Common Council be amended as follows:-


1.    to include a new paragraph 2.3 as set below:-


“Aldermen, whether former Common Councilmen or not, who are elected to serve as Common Councilmen after their service on the Aldermanic Court, would take their seniority to their total length of service on Common Council, including as Alderman”; and


2.    paragraph 3.2 be amended to  include the Establishment Committee as follows:-


“The Senior Committee Chairman (i.e. particularly the Chairman of the Policy and Resources, Finance, Planning and Transportation, police and Establishment) are normally taken out of their seniority order”.


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