Agenda item

10 Fenchurch Avenue S278 Highway and Public Realm Improvements


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of Built Environment concerning improvement works to the public highway around 10 Fenchurch Street following concerns expressed by officers about the depth of the footway and other matters.


RESOLVED – that approval be given to the following:-


1.    The implementation of the Section 278 highway works with an estimated total cost of £541,308 as listed in the design summary in the main report and shown in the General Arrangement drawing (appendix 1);


2.    The adoption of the new areas of public highway created as part of the development despite it not meeting the City standards;


3.    The proposal for the developer’s own contractors to construct the central passageway;


4.    It be noted that the central passageway might need to be designated as a Street of Special Engineering Difficulty;


5.    The Director of the Built Environment in conjunction with the Chamberlain’s Head of Finance be authorised to approve any adjustments between elements of the approved budget, provided the total approved budget of £541,308 is not exceeded;


6.    Officers be authorised to seek relevant regulatory and statutory consents, orders and approvals as might be required to progress and implement the scheme (e.g. traffic orders); and


7.    The commencement of the Section 278 works be dependent upon full funding being first received from the developer.



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