Agenda item

Leadenhall Street Pedestrian Crossing Improvements - 52-54 Lime Street (Scalpel) Section 278 Highway Change


The Sub-Committee considered an issue report of the Director of Built Environment concerning the provision of a pedestrian crossing in Leadenhall Street and the Lime Street (Scalpel) development.


RESOLVED – that approval be given to:-

1.         combining the Leadenhall Street Pedestrian Improvement Project and the 52-54 Lime Street Section 278 Highway Works to enable them to be progressed to Gateway4/5 as a single coherent package, with a revised total estimated cost of £218,108;

2.         the progression of the combined project on the light track approval route with Gateway 5 sign-off delegated to the chief officer subject to no changes to the total cost, specification or programme; and

3.         the approval of any changes to the total cost or specification being delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Projects and Streets & Walkways Sub-Committees.



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