Agenda item

Highways Maintenance Contract: Tarmac purchase of JB Riney


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning Tarmac’s purchase of JB Riney.

Members noted that representatives of Tarmac had made it clear that although Riney would be operating as part Tarmac’s highways services arm, Riney would continue to trade as usual, retaining the company name, management team, corporate identity and branding.

Officers reported that both companies were doing all they could to reassure the City that the contract would continue to its previous high delivery standards and the high quality services provided to the City of London would continue to be delivered.

The Chairman reported that he was due to be formally introduced to the Tarmac team that afternoon allowing him the opportunity to emphasise the importance of this contract continuing to operate to its previous high standards.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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