Agenda item



The following items of urgent business were considered:-


Appointment of a City Corporation Governor to serve on the Board of Governors of the Museum of London.

The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the appointment of a City Corporation Governor to the Board of Governors of the Museum of London.


A Member referred to the Outside Bodies Sub-Committee which had been established to monitor, consider and make recommendations on the appointment of the City Corporation’s representatives on external bodies. He advised that the Sub-Committee was due to meet shortly and suggested that the appointment be referred to the Sub-Committee for consideration in line with this. It was also suggested that prior to that, the Chairman of this Committee  should meet with the candidate and, that on this occasion, in order not to delay matters unduly, the final approval of the appointment be delegated to the Sub-Committee having received feedback from the Chairman. The Committee supported the suggestions.


RESOLVED – that in accordance with the Committee’s process for considering appointments to outside bodies, the appointment of a City Corporation Governor to the Board of Governors of the Museum of London be referred to the Outside Bodies Sub-Committee for consideration and that on this occasion, the final approval of the appointment be delegated to the Sub-Committee having received feedback from the Chairman’s meeting with the candidate.


Banksy Artworks


The Assistant Director of the Built Environment was heard regarding the Banksy artwork located in Beech Street Tunnel and the measures which would now be undertaken to retain and preserve the Artwork. Members noted that currently there was 24 hour security to ensure that the works were not stolen or defaced.


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