Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


RESOLVED – That the list of outstanding references be noted and update as appropriate.


Parking for Motorcyclists


In response to a question concerning whether or not there was scope for any bays to be used as electric vehicle charging points, officers advised that this would be picked up as part of the review.


London Wall Place


Officers reported that it had not yet been confirmed that construction was completed and that the walkways were ready for adoption. The Sub-Committee would be advised as soon as this happened.


Naming of Streets/Highwalks after past Members


The Chairman read out the current policy for naming applications and advised that they were dealt with by officers under delegated authority unless the issue was contentious. However in this case the highwalks had already been named following consultation with Members.


The Chairman advised that the last time the P&T Committee had considered the matter of street and building naming was on 23September 2014 when an amended ‘Street Naming and Numbering Advice Note’ had been approved. This stated:


·         In applications to name streets after deceased persons, permission must be obtained from the person’s family or estate administrators. In order to be considered the individual in question should:

·         Have been dead for 20 years or have passed the centenary of their birth;

·         Have a significant and demonstrable connection to the site in question.


The Chairman advised that the P&T Committee could override these guidelines but would need good reasons to avoid unwelcome precedents being set.


Discussion ensued and while some members supported a departure from the policy, others felt that this required full consultation and a cost appraisal.


A member asked if it would be possible to name the link bridge after Mr Barker instead and the Sub-Committee agreed that this was a more suitable option to put to the P &T Committee.


Two Way Cycling in Seething Lane/Muscovy Street


Officers confirmed that the member who had raised the issue had been written to and advised that the Traffic Order for two-way cycling and other minor changes to Seething Lane and Muscovy Street came into effect on Monday 7 August 2017. The necessary signing was not yet complete; as parts of the highway were still hoarded off to complete work to the adjacent garden. The signing would be installed at the earliest available opportunity.


The Member advised the Sub-Committee that officers had admitted that appropriate consultation with residents did not take place and that the occupiers of the flats in 15 Trinity Square had been missed off in error.


The Sub-Committee agreed that the residents should be written to again.









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