Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the Sub Committee


Tudor Street 


A Member referred to the questions asked at the last meeting concerning what was the real issue at Tudor Street and how much in terms of resources and officers time had been spent to date, and asked why this information had not been included in the committee report considered earlier in the meeting.

The Member advised that during the meeting on 24th July, officers said the 'issue' was a perception held by some regarding access. However the evidence was that there were no access problems. Officers also said that they would be able to calculate the City's cost to date and that would be separate to TfL's considerable costs.


Officers advised that between 500-700 hours of officer time had been spent so far however to try and provide a more detailed breakdown of costs would be even more time-consuming.


Also the review was being undertaken following an instruction from the Court of Common Council.




A Member asked if there was a need to review the CoL database in order to ensure that the correct information was available when undertaking consultation with residents and stakeholders and officers undertook to look into this.


It was suggested that a link to all CoL consultations should also be readily accessible on the external website.