Agenda item

Temple Area Traffic Review

Report of the Director of Built Environment


The Sub-Committee received for information a Gateway 2 Project Proposal Report of the Director of Built Environment regarding the Temple Area Traffic Review.


The report advised that costs relating to highway consultancy work had not been included at this stage because it was anticipated that the consultant contracted by the Inns, Vectos, would initially provide this advice.


Members questioned the independence of the role of Vectos given that they had been employed by the Inns, and officers advised that their role was just to explore opportunities which the CoL could choose to be involved in. Any suggestions for change would then be assessed by CoL officers.


In response to a suggestion by a Member that the use of Middle Temple Lane as a rat-run be included in the review, officers agreed that traffic entering and leaving the lane could be monitored.


RESOLVED -  That the project proposal be supported, subject to the comments made by Members.


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