Agenda item

Serious Organised Crime Board Verbal Update

The Chairman of the Serious Organised Crime Board to be heard.


The Group heard a verbal update from the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection on the developments of the Serious Organised Crime Board.


Director of Markets and Consumer Protection made reference to page 38, paragraph 7 of the agenda that stated that the next meeting of the SOCB had taken place on 7 September.  He confirmed that they had examined and identified a range of threats as stated within the Community Safety Team update report.  He explained that there would be a meeting with the Community Safety Team to identify priorities which would then be brought back to the next meeting.


The Chairman asked if the minutes from the SOCB meeting would be available to Safer City Partnership Members.  Director of Markets and Consumer Protection confirmed that these would be available, and a report would come to the next meeting on 3 November 2017. (7)


RESOLVED – That the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection be heard.