Agenda item

Mental Health Strategy update

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.



Members noted that the Mental Health strategy was approved by the City of London Health and Wellbeing Board in December 2015. The City of London Corporation (CoLC) and City and Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group share ownership of the document. It aims to improve the mental health of people in the City, keep people well and then ensure that we provide effective support when mental health

problems do arise. An action plan was developed to monitor the progress against

four priorities to deliver better outcomes for residents, workers and rough



The Mental Health Strategy supports the City of London Corporate Plan’s aim to

provide modern, efficient and high quality local services within the Square Mile

for workers, residents and visitors and to provide valued services, such as

education, employment, culture and leisure, to London and the nation. It also supports the following priority from the Department of Community and

Children’s Services Business Plan: Priority Two – Health and Wellbeing:

Promoting the health and well-being of all City residents and workers and

improving access to health services in the square mile.


Resolved – that the report be received.

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