Agenda item

Temple Area Traffic Review

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


NB: This report has been considered and approved by the Streets and walkways Sub-Committee and will be considered by the Planning and Transportation Committee.


The Committee considered a Gateway 2 project report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning a review of traffic in the Temple Area.


Members noted that the project had been considered by the Projects Sub-Committee and that the Sub-Committee had supported the review subject to a number of conditions. It was also noted that the source of funding would need to be examined further and that the programme of activities in connection with the review would enable officers to plan for any future development in the area. The Committee was advised that should proposals for the area not prove viable the project would cease at Gateway 3.


RESOLVED – That, subject to the following conditions set by the Projects Sub-Committee, approval be given to the provision of £160,000 from the On-street Parking Reserve to fund the Temple Area Traffic Review:-


1.     details of the revised costs being provided to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Projects Sub-Committee;


2.     the City Corporation paying for the review, but not any associated consultancy costs;


3.     officer reporting back if the review area was extended; and


4.     the next gateway report to include details of any additional work as well as Transport for London’s response to the review.


Supporting documents: