Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a list of outstanding references.


Swan Pier


The City Surveyor advised the Committee that work was on target for completion in February 2019.


Members queried whether the works related to the pier itself or the flood defence wall, and whether there would be any legal ramifications if the pier was taken out, even temporarily. The Chairman asked for officers to prepare a response to all Members of the sub-Committee as there was some confusion around the project.


22 Bishopsgate


The Director of the Built Environment advised the Committee that the negotiations over public realm improvements had been successful. It was hoped that a legal agreement with the developer would be in place by October 2018 and that work could start in late October or early November 2018.


The Sub-Committee noted that Dockless Bikes was on the agenda for the meeting, and that a report on ATTRO had been received by the Planning & Transportation Committee on 26 July 2018. Members asked that an annual report on ATTRO be submitted.


Members asked that two items be added to the list of Outstanding References:


Committee Structure


Members had previously discussed asking the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee to nominate a Member to the Sub-Committee, to ensure pollution issues were tied in with the Sub-Committee’s discussions. Members agreed that the Planning & Transportation Committee should be asked to amend the terms of reference of the Sub-Committee to include one member of the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee, and to invite the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee to nominate one Member to the Streets & Walkways Sub-Committee.


Fann Street


The Director of the Built Environment advised the Sub-Committee that further work had been done to improve the street from U-turning traffic. An independent study had been undertaken which had resolved that it would not be unsafe to take away the current banned U-turn at the Aldersgate Street/Fann Street junction. Subject to the outcome of consultation with ward Members, the changes would be made in the next few weeks.


RESOLVED – That the list of outstanding references be noted and updated accordingly.

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