Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board received a report of the Town Clerk setting out the outstanding actions list.


Opt-out figures

Members noted that there is no clear pattern of employees opting out of the LGPS. Opt-out rates from the LGPS are not recorded centrally. 


Members were advised that at the last quarterly London Pension Officer Group  Meeting it was requested that a survey be sent out to the London Boroughs to record their opt-out rates from the LGPS. 


Data Protection

The Chairman remarked that guidance on the Data Protection Regulation 2018 is clear and has been available for some time so he was surprised to see comments that the legislation is unclear.  Organisations need to ensure information is held securely, that appropriate consent has been given and that there is a legitimate reason for holding and processing data. 


The Chairman added that Directors can be held personally liable for Data Protection breaches, it is unclear how Members of the Board would be treated, so we require a paper clarifying this for Members of this Board.  The Chairman asked that as reports are going to other committees on Data Protection they should also come to this Board to efficiently show how the City Corporation is dealing with these issues. 


RESOLVED – That the Board notes the report


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