Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


The following reports were missed off the agenda and it was agreed that they could be considered as items of urgent business:


Social Mobility Employer Index Update


The Committee received a report outlining the City of London Corporation’s sponsorship of the Social Mobility Employer Index and plans for the City Corporation as an employer to improve its ability to attract, recruit and retain talent from all backgrounds.


A Member queried the significance of the City Corporation ranking 50 out of the 98 organisations that had submitted and suggested that more explanation be provided.


It was agreed that an update report be provided in six months’ time.


RESOLVED – To support the proposed next steps to improve social mobility (the ability for talent from all backgrounds to gain access to and progress in employment) within the City Corporation, and receive a report back in six months’ time.


The Chairman left the meeting at this point (14.30pm) and the Deputy Chairman took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.


General Data Protection Regulation Report


The Committee received a report setting out the new requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the work required by the Corporation to secure compliance with it by 25th May 2018.



1)            Endorse the general approach; and


2)            Approve that the Comptroller & City Solicitor be appointed as the Corporation’s Data Protection Officer


Supporting documents: