Agenda item

Human Resources Dashboard - August 2017

Report of the Director of Human Resources.



The Committee received a table report summarising the creation of the revised HR Dashboard as well as providing data from the Corporate HR Dashboard. It also provided commentary on the highlight data for the two Departments to which the Establishment Committee was the Service Committee - the Town Clerk’s Department and the Comptroller and City Solicitor’ Department.


The Committee noted that the general trend in the dashboards was very similar levels of headcount, turnover, recruitment and sick absence as in previous reports.


Members expressed concern at the fact that anxiety/stress/depression were the most common cause for staff absence and it was suggested that more proactive action needed to be taken to address this.


There was also a discussion about the provision of free flu jabs and officers undertook to look into the costs of doing this.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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