Agenda item

Greening Cheapside: St. Paul's Tube Station Area and St. Peter Westcheap Churchyard Improvements

Appendices 4, 5 and 6 to this report are available electronically, hard copies will also be available in the members room and at the meeting.


Members received a Gateway 3 report concerning the Greening Cheapside project, previously identified as a high priority in the Cheapside and Guildhall Area Enhancement Strategy (adopted by the City in 2015) with the objective of enhancing greening and re-landscaping in the area.


RESOLVED To approve


1)            Progression of option 2 and 3 for St. Paul’s tube station area to Gateway 4 and 5 (detailed design and implementation) under the ‘regular’ Gateway process.


2)            Progression of option 1 for St. Peter’s Westcheap churchyard to Gateway 4 and 5 (detailed design and implementation) under the ‘regular’ Gateway process


3)            The funding to develop the preferred options for each site to Gateway 4 and 5, at a total cost of £109,000 to be fully funded by the Cheapside Business Allowance (£100,000), underspend from the project (£7,500) and s106 monies from 100 Cheapside (£1,500).



Supporting documents: