Agenda item

To note the draft public minutes of the Members Privileges Sub-Committee meeting held on 21 September 2017 and consider the recommendations contained therein.

NB: Approval is required to items 4, 5 and 7.


The draft public minutes of the Members Privileges Sub-Committee meeting held on 21 September 2017 were considered:-




1.      departing Members of the Court of Common Council be recognised for their service by way of a written resolution on the Court Summons as referred to above;


2.      the current quality and manner in which resolutions were presented to recipients  be enhanced and the Town Clerk be asked to look at how this could be achieved;


3.      the Members Briefing be made available to past Members but that it not be made available on the website; 


4.    the inscribed resolution to Committee Chairmen be presented to Chairmen at the Committee Dinner held in honour of the outgoing Chairman and that the resolution be suitably framed; and


5.    the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee be requested to reconsider the quality of the material used to produce the sleeve for the pocket book.




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