Agenda item

Project Funding Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


NB: This report will also be considered by the Grand Committee later this day.



The Sub-Committee considered and agreed a report of the Chamberlain concerning the provision of funding to enable eight projects to proceed as follows:-


·             Conversion of Disused Office in the Barbican

·             Conversion of The Turret in the Barbican 

·             4/14 Tabernacle Street

·             CRM System

·             Bunhill Fields

·             Lord Mayor’s State Coach

·             Pipe Subways at Snow Hill and Holborn Viaduct

·             HR Integrated Time Management and E-expenses system                  


The approval of the additional funding for the Bank Junction Experimental Scheme was delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Sub-Committee and the Projects Sub-Committee pending the provision of further information.