Agenda item

Designation of Funds for Bridging Divides, City Bridge Trust Grants Programme 2018-2023

Joint report of the Chief Grants Officer and the Chamberlain.


NB: This report has been approved by the City Bridge Trust. It will also have been considered by the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee earlier this day.



The Committee considered a joint report of the Chief Grants Officer and the Chamberlin concerning the Trust’s new five year funding strategy Bridging Divides and the governance arrangements for the 2018-2023 grants programme.


The Chairman advised that the Grants Programme had been considered by the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee earlier this day and that it had recommended the establishment of the new programme but not the amount of funds to be held within the designated fund. Members supported the Sub-Committee’s recommendation.


RESOLVED – That it be recommended to the Court of Common Council that a designated fund be established for Bridge House Estates (1035628) out of the charity’s unrestricted funds and from the income surplus in order to maintain and support the bridges for the new five-year ‘Bridging Divides’ grants programme 2018-2023.


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