Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee


The following questions were received:


Cycle hire Scheme


“Will the Chairman make representation to TfL about the operation of the cycle hire scheme.  At present in the City it can be difficult to find spaces during the day and virtually impossible to find cycles at night.”


Members acknowledged that there was something fundamentally wrong with the Scheme, which wasn’t working as well as it could be for people who lived and worked in the City, and it was agreed that the matter should be raised with Surface Transport.


Blocked Pavements - North Side of Gresham Street


A Member reported that ¾ of the pavements in this area were taken up with signs advertising future works as opposed to immediate works and asked why it was necessary to put them up so early.


The Director of the Built Environment agreed to address this with the contractors.


Death of a Pedestrian at Ludgate Circus


A Member expressed concern at the third pedestrian fatality to happen at Ludgate Circus following a collision with a lorry and proposed that urgent action be taken.


Officers advised that Ludgate Circus was a TfL road and it was agreed that the matter be raised urgently with TfL and reported back to the Committee.


In response to a question officers confirmed that Ludgate Hill was a CoL road.


Public Access to Committee Reports


"What steps are taken to ensure committee reports are uploaded on to the City's website in a timely manner before the meetings?"


The Town Clerk advised that all committee staff were required to upload all public reports on the City Corporation’s web site when the agenda was published and in accordance with statutory timescales.


He further advised that the system was not immune to human or technological error however.