Agenda item

Marché International des Professionnels d'Immobilier (MIPIM property conference) 2018


The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment and the City Surveyor relating to the Marché International des Professionnels d'Immobilier (MIPIM property conference) 2018.


The report informed Members of the City Corporation's proposed programme of activities and budget in respect of the MIPIM property exhibition to be held in Cannes in March 2018.


Members expressed support for the proposals as they felt that it provided a global platform to showcase the City’s attributes and promote the City of London to the international property market.




1) That this report on MIPIM 2018 is received.


2) That the Policy & Resources, Planning & Transportation Committees, and the Property Investment Board, approve the activities and team to attend MIPIM together with the proposed total budget not exceeding £98,000.



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