Agenda item

Transport for London Funding


The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment relating to the provision of Transport for London funding to the City of London Corporation.


The report sought approval for the projects that would be included in the City Corporation's 2018/19 Annual Spending Submission, and requested that Members give the Director of the Built Environment delegated authority to approve reallocations of the 2018/19 Corridors and Neighbourhoods grant of up to £100,000 within a financial year. The report also proposed to reallocate an underspend of £188,500 from the 2017/18 grant to new projects. Members were also asked to approve two projects to be submitted to Transport for London as the City Corporation’s bids for Liveable Neighbourhood funding.




1) Approve the projects to be included in the City Corporation’s 2018/19 Annual Spending Submission


2) Approve delegated authority for the Director of the Built Environment to approve reallocations of the 2018/19 Corridors and Neighbourhoods grant of up to £100,000 within a financial year


3) Approve the reallocation of £238,500 of the 2017/18 TFL grant between projects


4) Approve the submission of the City Corporation’s Liveable Neighbourhoods bids to TFL


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