Agenda item

Charity Collections

Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection (TO FOLLOW).


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection

outlining the legislative requirements for charitable collections and how it affects the

increasingly common practice of charities stopping people in the street.


The Environmental Health & Public Protection Director drew attention to the legal advice received from the Comptroller & City Solicitor and Leading Counsel which, unfortunately, made it clear that the current legislation did not provide for any action to be taken in respect of the practice of “chugging”.


In view of this, the Chairman suggested that one way to approach the issue could be to contact relevant charities to highlight the nuisance which aggressive charity collections cause. It would be important to stress that the practice can affect businesses, particularly small retailers.


This view was echoed by other Members, including the Chairman of the Policy &

Resources Committee, and it was agreed that, being an issue within that Committee’s remit, the matter should be referred to the Policy & Resources Committee for consideration.


RESOLVED: That the Policy & Resources Committee be asked to consider what action could be taken to discourage charities from the practice of aggressive charity collections.


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