Agenda item

Financial Abuse in the City of London

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Group received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services that presented an update on the work undertaken by the Financial Abuse Task and Finish Group.


The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that the Financial Abuse Task and Finish Group was a strategic priority for the City and Hackney Safeguarding Adults Board (CHSAB).


The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services explained that an event was scheduled for 4 December in the Livery Hall, open to both practitioners and the public., to coincide with Scams Awareness Month.


The Director of Markets & Consumer Protection illustrated his approval, and explained that the feedback from trading standards was positive.


The Assistant Director of Community and Children’s Services highlighted the importance of raising awareness, and explained that Corporate Communications would be best placed to advise on this.  The Director of Communications agreed that discussion should take place over the best use of social media to do so. (7)


RESOLVED – That the report be received.


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