Agenda item

Employment for People with a Learning Disability

Report of the Director of Community and Children's Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services concerning the employment of people with a learning disability. There were 13 adults with a learning disability currently supported by the Corporation, but none were in paid employment. The adult social care team was currently doing focussed work to assess needs, with the aim of getting one or more into paid employment. Some were doing voluntary work which would not be disrupted if it was beneficial.


Members commented that mental health in employment was not given parity of esteem and discussed how the Corporation could improve in this area. Learning disabilities were very wide-ranging with regards to their impact on a person’s employability, and could not always be monitored, as difficulties such as dyslexia were self-reported and were not always disclosed. Members suggested revisiting the item at the next meeting to discuss how the Corporation was supporting any employees with learning disabilities.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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