Agenda item

Annual Waivers Report 2016/17

Report of the Chamberlain


[This item was taken as part of the public agenda, following Item 7]


The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain that briefed Members on the process, risks and points to consider when approving waiver requests.


The Chamberlain emphasised to Members that the headline of the report was that the number of waivers required had reduced overall. He explained that sanctions were being drawn up with Human Resources to penalise repeat use of retrospective waivers as a deterrent to their frequent use.


A Member noted that half of the total value of waivers used by the City of London Police were applied for retrospectively, and queried whether this was the case with all departments.  The Chamberlain explained that they would follow this up and feed back to Members. (12)


RESOLVED – That Members note:


1.    The positive reduction in the number of waivers processed during the last financial year from 830 down to 388.


2.    The value of waivers processed for 2016/17 was £10m.


3.    The risks associated with approving waivers, in particular, retrospective waivers which we wish to eradicate during 2017-18.


4.    The need to consider waiver requests presented to Spending Committees in light of the risks highlighted and to ensure that prior to approval that the waiver is the only viable route to procure a contract.


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