Agenda item

City of London Cultural Strategy

Report of the Assistant Town Clerk and Cultural Hub Director.


The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Town Clerk and Culture Mile Director concerning the City of London Cultural Strategy for 2018-22.


A Member referred to the importance of City Corporation’s existing cultural assets and suggested that they be referred to in the Executive Summary. During further discussion a number of points were made. Amongst other things this included the following:-


·           In answer to questions on how the Cultural Strategy and other City Corporation strategies linked to the Corporate Plan, Members were advised that the Cultural Strategy was referenced in the Plan. The other strategies were there to underpin and provide more detail to it and one or two were statutory and therefore needed to sit alongside the Corporate Plan.


·           Members were reminded that the Cultural Strategy, as set out, was intended for internal use and that it would be reproduced and finessed for external audiences once approved. It was suggested that consideration could be given to seeking the help of co-optee Members to condense and translate the document for an external audience.


·           Reference was made to the need for expenditure on the City Corporation’s cultural activities to be managed carefully and discussion took place on the expenditure associated with various areas of the City Corporation’s work (culture, economic development, open spaces etc.,) and the merits of this being examined in the long term.


RESOLVED – that, subject to the approval of the Court of Common Council, the draft City of London Cultural Strategy 2018-22 be approved. 


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