Agenda item

City of London Local Plan Review: Draft Vision and Objectives


The Sub-Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment

detailing the draft Vision and Objectives which would provide the strategic framework for the Local Plan, and providing the context for the detailed working of individual policies.


·                     The key directions arising from the discussion were:


·                     ‘A Flourishing Society’ should be the first strategic objective.


·                     Emphasis should be on people and achieving a balance between the needs of both visitors and workers, and ensuring that the City would remain a safe place to work, live and visit.


·                     A target date for zero emissions needed to be included even as a ‘working towards’ date.


·                     Reference to the Golden Lane Estate and possibly Smithfields and the Barbican be included as a potential key area for change.


·                     There was a need to make sure there was no conflict with residents when expanding the night time activities and to protect residential amenity.


·                     Need to expand the capacity of Tower Hill Tube station.


·                     Regeneration of the Pool of London would significantly improve this neglected part of the City and also enable easier access to the riverside.


·                     Greater use of the river for transportation and commuting purposes



RESOLVED – That the draft Vision and Objectives document at Appendix 1 of the report be agreed and the comments of the Sub-Committee be noted.







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