Agenda item

Liverpool Street & Moorgate Crossrail Ticket Halls


The Sub-Committee considered a Gateway 5 report concerning proposals for the reinstatement of the highways surrounding the Liverpool Street & Moorgate Crossrail ticket halls.




1.            Note that officers will be entering into a legal agreement with CRL for them to cover the staff, fees and works costs expended by the City in constructing the reinstatement works around the Liverpool Street and Moorgate ticket halls, as agreed by Members in June/July 2017; 


2.            Approve the implementation of the highway works with at an estimated total cost of £2.4m at Liverpool Street and £2.3m at Moorgate, subject to the final detailed costings being approved under delegated authority by the Director of the Department of the Built Environment in conjunction with the Town Clerk and Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Streets and Walkways and Projects Sub-Committees;


3.            Delegate authority for any adjustments between elements of the budgets to the Director of the Built Environment in conjunction with the Chamberlain’s Head of Finance provided the total approved budget of is not exceeded. This includes access to an agreed Crossrail-funded contingency sum;


4.            Authorise Officers to seek relevant regulatory and statutory consents, orders and approvals as may be required to progress and implement the scheme (e.g. traffic orders); and


5.            Note that whilst the areas immediately surrounding the new Crossrail ticket halls will be completed by December 2018, the full reinstatement projects are unlikely to be completed until 2022.

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