Agenda item

Policy and Resources Committee

To consider the creation of a new Capital Buildings Committee.


The Lord Mayor directed that Item 15 be taken in advance of Item 11.




(Catherine McGuinness, Deputy)

12 December 2017

Capital Buildings Committee

Approval was sought for the formation of a new committee to scrutinise and provide detailed oversight and delivery of two major capital projects, namely the upcoming Police Accommodation and City’s Courts projects.


Amendment – That an additional recommendation be added to the effect that the provisions of the relevant part of Standing Order No.30(4)(b) should not apply in respect of this Committee, thereby enabling ex-officio Members to be eligible to serve as Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee. Further, that the Committee be added to the list set out in Standing Order Nos.29(7) and 30(10), thereby enabling ex-officio Members to be able to vote in the election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


Several Members spoke to debate the proposal with it suggested that, whilst the intent of the amendment was to provide the possibility for continuity of leadership, it was partially self-defeating in that Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen serving in an ex-officio capacity were subject to re-election and term limits on their own Committees and would therefore not enjoy any greater longevity on the Capital Buildings Committee than any other Member.


Upon the Amendment being put, the Lord Mayor declared it to fall.


Amendment – That the number of Members on the Committee to be appointed by the Court of Common Council be increased from five to seven, and that the number of Members to be appointed by the Policy and Resources Committee be increased from two to four.


Several Members suggested that, should this Amendment be carried, it would be unfair to continue with the ballot this day. This was in view of the fact that a number of additional Members might have decided to stand for appointment, had they been aware that there would be a greater number of vacancies. Following further debate, during which a number of Members spoke to emphasise the urgency of this Committee being established, the Amendment was withdrawn.


Resolved That:-

a)    the formation of a Capital Buildings Committee be approved, together with the terms of reference and constitution as set out in the report;

b)    the membership of the Committee should not count towards the limit on the number of committees on which a Member may serve contained in Standing Order 22;

c)    that the Committee be added to those Committees listed in Standing Order 29 (3), thereby enabling its Chairman to be eligible to be Chairman of another Committee (Ward or non-Ward) at the same time; and,

d)    the Town Clerk be instructed to amend Standing Orders accordingly.


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